Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I konpius

Walaupun aku dah tukar ke wordpress, tp tgn aku ni gatal nk usik blog yg ni. So..I pom browse2 and jumpa lar background baru untuk akaun blogspot I ni kan.

Try lar tukar layout semua. But why..why..why jadi kaler putih jer..di mana background yg cantik itew.

I've done the changes accordingly to the instruction given. But why still tak jadi. Hampeh tol. Konpius lar aku nih.
I want my new background. Haish!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

new blog.

As mentioned before, from now on i will continue my blog using wordpress. However, i will still continue to use blogger whenever i feel like to. hehehehe. So guys, check my latest entry at

see u there!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jamuan raya kt opis

Sabtu lepas opis aku wat open house jamuan raya. Open house? tak sesuai..'open opis' kot. :P

Tugas aku: provide beverages. Nasib baik wat berdua. So, dtg pagi, terus start operasi masak air. Aku lak pakai baju ala2 glamor (diingatkan theme pada hari tesebut adalah Hari Raya), tp aku dok kat pantry hampir setengah hari utk wat air jer. Keh keh keh. Menu air pada hari tu adalah fruit cocktail. Sedap tau. :P

Byk gak juadah yg ada sbb masing2 kena provide juadah ada laksam, roti jala, mee kari, lemang, bihun, macam2 jenis puding ngan kek lagi, rojak buah lar..even KFC pom ada..ho ho ho. I I plg suka puding yg ada kuah tu..ntah apa ke nama dia. Sedapnyer, saper yg bwk puding tu wei, I nak lagi..hihi. Byk lagi lar juadah yg ada. Tak yah lar aku senaraikan. Nnti you all terliur lak kan.

Sedang bersantap ngan opismate

Mana2 staff yg dah kawin, masing2 bwk suami,isteri dan anak2. Then, kitorg ada gak jemput staff 2 dr dept lain dtg mkn. Mmg kecoh lar opis tuh. Meriah sungguh. Pastu ada plak acara tukar2 hadiah.

aku ngan dak opis tgh rakus bukak hadiah

Mmg besh lar jamuan raya ni. Sabtu ni jamuan raya kt opis my sweetheart pulak. Dia tgh konpius, tataw nk bawak apa. Bwk kek lar syg, senang. Hihihi.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Other than blogspot, my syg has created me one new blog for me using wordpress. The layouts and everything is nice, but I don't reaaly think wordpress is really user friendly.

Dah byk2 kali my syg tanya " bila nk guna wordpress?"..haish..Aku dh susah lar...menci..Cian syg kan..susah2 jer create layout wordpress cantek2..tapi aku tak guna pom.

Sekarang ni dlm proses mengenali wordpress..And maybe after this I will post my blog here using blogspot and also wordpress.

So, this is my blog using wordpress : . Warning: This site is still under construction. So, the navigations are still in chaos mode. Hihihi..

Thursday, October 09, 2008

"I've been tagged by Nadea"

5 things

What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
update blog ~rutin harian
edit and ammend SB ~entah bila nak siap nih!
celebrate bday syg~ Happy Birthday Sayang
beli hadiah utk jamuan mkn2 kat opis sabtu nih~change gift
install game kat laptop baru ~ yea~

What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
Apollo chocolate layer cake
kopok ikan @ kopok lekor
slurpy(air leh kira snacks tak?:P )
dunkin donuts~ntah apa nama donut feveret aku tuh

What are 5 jobs you’ve had?
Admin Assistant @UPM (Jan 2005-July 2005)
Storyboard Writer @MMSC Sdn. Bhd (November 2005-Mei 2006)
Instructional Designer @ Devcorptech Sdn. Bhd (July 2006-Feb 2007)
Instructional Designer @ Markplus Sdn. Bhd (March 2007-Jan 2008)
Instructional Designer @ Cosmopoint ~ current job

5 people you wanna tag back?

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

handbeg for free

Gals out there. This is for real. Handbag planet is giving away 24 yummylicious handbegs for free. Log on to the website, sign up your name, choose your favourite beg and cross your finger.

Hurry up gals!
"wish list"

Frankly, i don't really have a 'must have' list for 2008 or better known as a wish list. But I do have some wishes that have already fulfiled and some hopefully will be fulfil.

Aku ni bukan jenis yg tiap tahun buat azam jenis yg aku akan aim sampai dpt. tak kira lar..tahun ni ke..tahun depan ke., 10 tahun lagi ke..huhuhuhu.

Masa umur aku 22, aku berazam untuk memiliki keta sendiri bila umur aku 25 tahun. And yes, now I'm driving my own savvy. Sport rim, spoiler dah siap pasang, cuma tinted jer belum lagi. Next year lar buat tinted. I'm waiting for my rebate money. hihihihi

Yesterday, aku beli laptop pulak. Erm..leh cancel laptop dlm wish list sbb dah dpt. Apa lagi yer yg aku nak beli...maybe camera kot.. Antara sebab aku belum memiliki my own camera is because aku ni tak fotogenik. Every time snap picture, I look fotogedik.Euw... Thats why my pic tak byk..Even though my pic looks horrible, doesn't mean the real person ni tak kiut tau. See for yourself lar kalau tak caya. hahahaha..

Selain tu, aku teringin wat spa treatment. Mcm besh jew...facial treatment, lulur badan, urutan aromaterapi/bali , manicure/pedicure, mandi susu/mandi bunga..Eh..mandi bunga? lain mcm jer ni, hihihi ...Spa treatment ni akan dipertimbangkan bila aku ada duet lebiy pastu tataw nak buat apa dgn duet tu. Bila tu ek?

Lagi..aku teringin nak holiday kat luar negara. Maybe Bali, atau Australia. Tapi..kalau dpt gi Jepon pom..makcik tak kisah. keh keh keh..

Getting married..??tu mmg dlm wish list..tapi, yang tu bukan terletak pada tgn aku..kalau diizinkan tuhan and bila dah sampai waktunyer, maka you all akan dpt lar kad wangi dari aku ni..So, start kumpul duet dari sekarang untuk beli hadiah kawin aku, Jgn risau..lmbt lagi..kalau you all kumpul Rm 10/month..sampai masa nnti, duit tu cukup untuk you all bg hadiah tv plasma 32 inci/ mesin basuh automatik/peti sejuk /microwave/ L-shaped sofa, comforter set, dll. Ni semua termasuk dlm 'wedding present wish list' pulak kan... ;P

Ni lar antara wishes yg aku nak..harap2 aku mampu lar buat semua tu...Amin..

Oh..lupa pulak..I wish gaji aku naik supaya aku dapat penuhi wishes yang disebut diatas. hihi.

Monday, October 06, 2008

posto raya

Raya tahun ni meriah tak? besh tak? Byk kew dpt duet raya? Jumpa sedara mara tak? Berapa banyak juadah raya yang korang dah bedal? uish..byk tanya plak. bila masa aku jadi madam polis nih. hihihi.

Kalau ada yang tertanya2..I beraya kat kampung belah mak I, kat Tebuk Pulai, Sabak Bernam, Selangor. kat mana Sabak Bernam?? pandai2 lar korang cari kat Google Earth. :P

I yang drive balik kampung ni, bwk my parents and sister lar..Haish..and my mom jadi back seat driver. Pot pet pot ke kiri, brek, jgn laju2...bla bla bla..tensen..tensen..keta depan jauh sebatu nak brek apa hal?? Haish...Time balik KL pom sama...aaaa...aaaa...tak tenteram jiwa bwk mak naik keta.

Gambar raya?? Takder, sbb tak bwk kamera. Raya tahun ni, aku rasa tak besh. Kenapa? erm..nak cerita ke tak nak..erm..tak yah lar..It's something too personal to share. Pendek kata aku tak enjoy time raya. Aku rasa sayu and sediy. huhuhuhu...(bukan sbb aku tak dpt jumpa my sweetheart yer, jgn salah faham)

Akhir kata: "Selamat hari raya kepada semua yang membaca blog ni. Ampun maaf di minta andai ada yang terasa atau ada salah silap di mana2. "

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jantan S**l

Geram aku nih..tak pasal2 jer pahala posa aku kurang mencarut pagi2 jumaat nih. S*al, Cel*ka, B*bi betul lar jantan pakai jaket biru tuh.

Aku tahu lar tren sesak, jgn lar pulak ko amik kesempatan nk raba2. Mmg anak si*l lar. Aku dh tepis tgn ko..dah sound direct : "bulan posa pun buat mcm ni ke!!!"tapi ko still buat lagi.

Mmg mendidih darah aku nih. Terus aku step kaki dia ngan heel aku. Menyesal aku tak pakai heel aku yg tggi runcing mcm KLCC..mesti lagi besh aku step kaki dia ngan heel tuh.!

Ikut hati aku ni, nak jer aku tengking sambil pijak kaki dia kuat2..tapi memandangkan tren ramai org..aku sabarkan jer. Kang tak pasal2 semua org tahu aku diraba. hampeh tol.

Kalau aku jumpa ko lagi...mmg siap lar. Even when Im turning 60's, if i ever see you again., you will get a piece of me. Sakitnyer hati aku nih!!!

image taken form :

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Disney Dream Portrait Series

U all suka citer fairy tail tak? ..ala..citer cinderella, little mermaid, snow white, sleeping beauty dan lain2 tu. Well, I do like fairy tails.

Ada tak dikalangan celebrity ni yg korang suka? Rachel Weiss, Scarlet Johanson, Jennifer Lopez, David Beckham, Michael Phelps ataupun Beyonce.

Apa kaitan diorg ni ngan fairy tails nih. Meh sini anak2..makcik nak bgtau. Disney and seorg photograper bernama Annie Leibovits nih telah menghasilkan siri potret watak2 Disney dengan menggunakan celebrity sebagai model.

Cantek tau hasil keja diorg nih. . Ni antara gambar2 yang I suka.

Rachel Weisz in Snow White

Michael Phelps and Julianne Moore in a Disney ‘Fantasea’ from “The Little Mermaid

Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella, " Where every Cinderalla story Comes True"

Untuk gambar2 lain, korang boleh browse website kat bawah ni:

Ada gambar David beckham as Prince Philips in Sleeping Beauty, Beyonce as Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Roger Federer as King Arthur,..ish..ramai lagi lah. Kalau U all tak suka ngan celebrity or fairy tails least u all leh kagumi hasil seni photograper tu. Right?

Watashi wa suki desu.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm not in the good mood this monday morning. Ermm..mood bahasa melayu apa ek?? perasaan?? mcm kurang sesuai jer. Kenapa aku takder mood?

Pasal keja. Aku cukup menyampah kena re-do storyboard. yg payah bila klien tak sefahaman. Make up your mind lar..what exactly do you want? Dont waste my time ler. I got more important things to do such as read mangas. Opss...shhh.. Then, leh lak kata nk tgk prototaip lepas raya..Haloo...kitorg pun nak raya gak. malas aku nk layan. kalau sempat siap..dpt lar korang tgk. Bluwek.

Then..aku baca satu email nih. Tataw lar saper penulis email ni sbb email ni dah di forward byk2 kali dan akhirnya sampai kat aku. Penulis ni..banyak merungut, komplen, kutuk dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Some of the issues yg dibangkitkan, ada kebenarannya. Tapi, terlalu byk yg dia tak puas hati. Hello..this is life. Pernah dgr tak ungkapan "Life is not fair? "Awak bukan baru hidup semalam. You cannot expect everything will suits you. Kalau tak suka..just ignore, jgn beli, or learn to accept that this is life. You are not perfect either.

ni ha komen/rungutan/ kutukan penulis terbabit. Takder kena mengena ngan aku pun. Kalau rajin..leh baca. But a little advise, tak rugi apa2 pun kalau u all tak baca .. hihihi. .

Hairan sungguh..........
1. Bila kita ke EPF untuk menyemak caruman, dengan sekelip mata saja penyata dapat dikeluarkan melalui slip komputer, tetapi bila kita nak mengeluarkan simpanan, kena tunggu 5 hingga 6 bulan.
2. Bila kerjaan menetapkan hadlaju lebuhraya setakat 110km sejam sahaja, tetapi masih membenarkan penjualan kenderaan yang mampu melepasi hadlaju tersebut sehingga dua kali ganda.
3. Bilamana kakitangan kerajaan yang dibayar gaji dari hasil dan pendapatan rakyat berlagak sombong bilamasa berurusan dengan orang ramai.
4. Bila mengenangkan harga kereta Proton lebih murah diluar negara daripada di negara sendiri.
5. Walaupun berpuluh-puluh filem bollywood ditayangkan dengan hanya tajuk berbeza, tapi dengan plot yang sama, rentak tarian yang seiras dan pelakon-pelakon yang serupa, maseh ramai jugak yang berpusu-pusu untuk menontonnya.
6. Bilamana perempuan ditinggalkan oleh lelaki, lelaki dituduh tidak setia, tetapi bilamana perempuan meninggalkan lelaki, lelaki pulak dikatakan tidak memenuhi citarasa.
7. Bilamasa kita menanyakan status berkenaan sesuatu permohonan kepada Jabatan-Jabatan Kerajaan, jawapannya semua serupa....DALAM PROSES!
8. Bilamasa mengenangkan adat sopan santun kita untuk tidak menghabiskan juadah makanan yang dihidangkan oleh tuan rumah bila kita mengunjung walhal dari segi agama mengatakan jangan membazir!
9. Bilamasa kita terlambat untuk membayar pinjaman bank, kita akan dikenakan faedah keatas bayran tersebut, tetapi bila bank terlebih potong, kita kena tunggu sampai 4-5 bulan walaupun untuk mendapat 5 sen balik...tanpa faedah!.
10. Bilamasa kita terlambat untuk sampai ke lapangan terbang untuk check-in, kita akan didenda 25% dari tambang kapalterbang, tetapi bila penerbangan dibatalkan atau terlambat, satu benda pun kita tak dapat melainkan penat menunggu!
11. Kenapa pemilik teksi Bandaraya mengenakan tambang 50% selepas tengah malam sedangkan dibandaraya selalunya bercahaya terang (macam siang) dan kurang traffic jam pulak tu....mungkin takut kena rompak...tapi nak buat apa caj lebih pun kalau lepas tu kena rompak?
12. Bilamasa kita makan di restoran-restoran makanan segera kita dikenakan caj 10% cukai kerajaan dan 5% cukai perkhidmatan sedangkan cukai kerajaan itu adalah diatas untung syarikat dan cukai perkhidmatan tak pernah ada sebab semuanya layan sendiri?
13. Bilamana kerajaan menyarankan penggunaan ilmu IT kepada masyarakat sedangkan kakitangan kerajaan sendiri pulak tak tahu nak menggunakan e-mail ataupun komputer.
14. Bilamasa agensi-agensi Kerajaan dan Jabatan berkanun menganggap seolah-olah semua orang tahu bagaimana nak isi borang mereka yang berkajang-kajang dan membawa dokumen yang "secukupnya" bila berurusan dengan mereka.
15. Bilamasa rakyat yang belum mempunyai tanah tak pernah berjaya didalam permohonannya sedangkan orang lain yang mempunyai tanah di merata-rata tempat dengan mudah mendapat lagi.
16. Bila kita melihat di kaca televisyen bahawa pengacara-pengacara muzik semuanya beriras mat dan minah saleh dan muka-muka melayu biasa tak laku langsung.
17. Bilamana telefon bimbit yang diusung kesana kemari, walaupun tak dipakai akan dicaj sekurang-kurangnya RM60 sebulan.
18. Walaupun kita tahu bahawa rancangan gusti di tv itu hanyalah lakonan semata-mata, tapi kita masih bermaki hamun dan bersorak bagai nak rak sedangkan kita tahu kalah atau menang, kesemua pelakon-pelakon tersebut dapat duit banyak.
19. Bilamasa sesuatu "traffic jam" terjadi semasa hujan lebat hanya kerana pemandu memperlahankan kereta untuk melihat air yang berlalu deras didalam longkang.
20. Bila mendengar pengulas sukan kita boleh bersajak dan berpuitis ketika mengulas siaran langsung sesuatu acara sukan.
21. Bila kita menanyakan kawan kita alamat rumahnya. dia menjawab "".
22. Bila mengenangkan pada suatu masa dulu pemain bolasepak liga profesyenal boleh mendapat hingga RM10000 sebulan bermain bola macam budak sekolah sedangkan graduan universiti yang bertungkus lumus selama lapan belas tahun kat sekolah hingga pusat pengajian tinggi menerima gaji permulaan hanya RM1250.00 sebulan.
23. Apabila orang ramai merungut semasa gaji kakitangan kerajaan dinaikkan kerana takut harga barangan pun meningkat, tetapi tidak menyoal pulak apabila harga barangan naik tetapi gaji kakitangan kerajaan maseh ditakuk lama.
24. Apabila surat menyurat kepada Jabatan kerajaan hilang dalam perjalanan ataupun mengambil masa 4 bulan untuk dijawab.
25. Bilamasa melihat harga telefon bimbit sekarang lebih murah daripada sewa taliannya.
26. Bila komputer canggih yang kita beli hari ini dah "out-of-date" selepas sebulan dan kita pun maseh belum habis pelajari kesemuanya fungsinya.
27. Bila melihat harga baju kanak-kanak lebih mahal dari baju dewasa.
28. Bila pos laju mengambil masa seminggu untuk sampai.
29. Bilamana kita membayar RM1.20 untuk membeli surat khabar yang penuh cerita rogol, kes khalwat, serta kisah sensasi artis-artis.
30. Bila kita membeli TV 29" tetapi hanya dapat menonton 20" sahaja bila selebihnya dilingkungi dek iklan.
31. Bilamasa teknologi internet sekarang membolehkan seseorang membeli sayur segar menggunakan e-commerce sedangkan laman yang menawar khidmat itu terletak di California, USA.
32. Bilamasa kita demam dan ke klinik untuk berjumpa doktor, kita membayar RM30 hanya untuk sepeket pil panadol sambil diberitahu doctor yang kita ni demam.
33. Apabila kita ke kedai komputer untuk mendapatkan maklumat sesuatu komponen, jurujual menjawab "sikit jam ah...saya mau tanya tauke".
34. Bilamasa syarikat bas mengenakan tambang yang pelik seperti RM1.75 sambil menyuruh kita menyediakan duit secukupnya sebab lebihan tidak akan dipulangkan, walaupun kita tahu kita jarang sekali menggunakan duit 5 sen.
35. Bilamasa melihat eksekutif-eksekutif maseh memakai kot dan tali leher semasa makan tengahari kat warong tepi jalan walaupun cuaca panas terik.
36. Bilamana penggemar-penggemar dan pemilik kereta bermegah dengan kereta mereka yang berkuasa besar walaupun sedar yang had laju jalanraya disini hanyalah 110km sejam.
37. Bilamasa kita melihat format pertandingan liga bolasepak negara ditukar setiap musim walaupun sedar yang tahap permainan tetap menurun.
38. Bilamasa F.A.M mencari punca terjadi pergaduhan didalam sesuatu perlawanan liga bolasepak negara sedangkan setiap pasukan diberi gelaran nama "binatang".
39. Bilamasa pemilik kenderaan terpaksa membayar cukai jalan setiap tahun tetapi jalanraya hanya dibaiki lima tahun sekali.
40. Bilamasa artis sanggup menukarkan nama yang mak bapa berikan supaya lebih glamour.
41. Bila pemandu tidak sanggup memberi peluang pemandu lain memotong, tetapi sanggup berhenti untuk mengajak pemandu lain bergaduh ditepi jalan.
42. Bila seorang Pak Aji boleh memberikan komen terhadap kebesaran buah dada seseorang perempuan..........pelik sungguh bila melihat perempuan berjalan hanya matanya kat situ aje......
43. Bilamana pelanggan di McDonald's membeli air "diet coke" sedangkan mereka juga membeli BigMac yang penuh lemak.
44. Bilamana pelanggan diherdik dan dimarahi apabila berurusan dengan Jabatan kerajaan kerana tidak tahu mengisi borang sedangkan Piagam Pelanggan mereka begitu puitis sekali.
47. Bilamana orang-orang muda sekarang cepat beruban.
48. Bilamana lebih ramai orang, masa kerja ponteng kehulu kehilir tapi bila lepas waktu kerja baru sibuk nak buat overtime.
49. Bilamana ramai yang memberi nasihat yang merosakkan dari nasihat yang baik.
50. Bilamana di setiap rumah murah terdapat kereta yang harganya lebih mahal.
51. Bilamana ditanya apa yang dibentang dalam belanjawan hari ini Cuma bab bonus sahaja yang hanya diingati.
52. Bilamana seseorang suami mendapat sesuatu dari isteri hanya setelah siisteri mendapat sesuatu darinya terlebih dahulu.
53. Bilamana banyak kejadian rogol atau mencabul kehormatan berlaku, masih ada yang ke tempat kerja dengan pakaian yang seksi (baju tanpa lengan dan skirt pendek nampak peha.
54. Bilamana kerajaan mengagung-agungkan MSC maseh ramai rakyat buta IT, tak mampu nak membeli komputer, masih menggunakan Dail Up Modem yang terlalu lembab dan membiarkan bayaran langganan untuk ISDN yang terlalu mahal.
56. Ramai orang yang maseh menghisap rokok di luar KLIA, terutamanya kakitangan KLIA sendiri, sedangkan KLIA sendiri memaparkan amaran 'DILARANG MEROKOK' pada setiap pintu kaca di luar KLIA.

Ni aku nk tambah komplen aku. Bilamana ko bagi/tulis email yang panjang lebar, tanpa memikirkan masa org terbazir membaca email nih

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Just now, I open my email to download an attachment. Sebelum ni, email yahoo I in English..tapi tiba2 gatal nak tukar ke Bahasa Melayu. And guess what..i found some weird error. Mmg error atau mmg mcm ni ejaan dia. I ingat muat turun..rupa2 nya maut turun.

maut turun??maut ketika fail turun? jika turun, fail akan maut?? HOH! @_@ Konpius aku nih.

P?s : anyone can make a mistake. LOL.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Couture is pronounced \kü-ˈtur, -ˈtuer\. I bet most guys out there is clueless about couture. Tell you the truth, its the same with me. But i do know it is related to fashion. Until lastnight when i watch project runway at 8tv. It is a reality show about designers where they have to finish some challeges well or else they will be eliminated. The challenge for last nite is to make a couture gown.

Well, couture refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted fashions. Made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finish, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques.

Ringkasnya, couture adalah rekaan khas untuk seseorang individu dimana ia memerlukan jahitan tangan yang rapi dan terperinci, menggunakan fabrik yang mahal dan berkualiti tinggi. Biasanya sehelai gaun couture yg sempurna mengambil masa hampir sebulan untuk disiapkan oleh 4-5 org tukang jahit. WOAH!

And yg paling i tataw, seorang tukang jahit perlu mendapat kelulusan dari kerajaan Perancis sebelum bergelar Tukang Jahit couture. Means mesti memenuhi standard jahitan couture yang mahir, and memenuhi syarat2 tertentu yang lain. Wah. mcm nak amik lesen memiliki senjata pulak.

Bagaimanapun, di kota fesyen selain dari Paris, seperti Milan, London, Rome dll juga mempunyai tukang jahit couture ni.

gambar di bawah adalah contoh dress / gaun couture yang asas

Bawah ni pulak, contoh lain gaun couture
And i wonder, some Malaysian designers claims that their dress is couture. Have they got the 'approval' from the France government to use couture in their designs??Hm...

Monday, September 08, 2008

money money money!

Latest comment i received, asking about my savvy. Haish.. Savvy, Built for Tough! yeah right.

Little that i know, savvy will cost you a lot when it comes to service. Serioulsy, last 5000km service on my cute black pony ( nickname for my savvy), it cost me 200++. Haish..haish.. Rupa2 nya (eh, ckp melayu pulak) kos servis bagi savvy mmg mahal jika dibandingkan dengan kereta proton yang lain. HUHUHU...time beli dulu, ejen tak habaq pun benda nih. Hampeh jer. Tapi takper, i still like u my cute black pony.;p

Last week, im doing some shopping for raya. Spend another few hundred.., Huhu. Most of the things i bought are not for me, they are for my family. Ole2 raya. hehehe. I hope they like it.

Sekarang, baru mggu kedua september, means second week of ramadhan, and there still lots of things i need to buy, such as baju raya, beg tgn raya, tudung raya...haiyaaa....and not to forget some kuih and kerepek raya. . Duit dh byk terbang nih. Nnti balik kampung, kena pk minyak and tol lagi..haiyaaa...haiyaaa..

Why lar company i work now tak bg bonus raya..why...why...dato' , bagi lar kami duit raya...ekekekekeke.

money..pls come..pls come to me bebeh.

p/s: bagi sesiapa yg ada duet lebih, bagi lar duit raya kat i yer..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Walaupun semalam sampai opis awal, tapi sbb pintu dept. aku lambat everyone check in lambat. Oh..we didn't use punch card here, instead we are using biometric scan: 'finger scan'to check-in and check-out. Emm..check-in, check-out..mcm hotel pulak.. Hihihi..

Nothing much happen yesterday. After work..balik rumah. Then around 11.00 pm, I'm ironing my clothes..

Habit aku time iron, aku suka nyanyi2...sedap ke..sumbang ke..I dont care. My housemates mcm biasa, tidoq awal. So, tgh syok2 gosok baju sambil berangan jadi siti nurhaliza...tiba2..BOM!.disertai dengan percikan api dari setereka yg aku pegang..Pap!. terus gelap rumah.

Aa..takutnyer..takutnyer..My housemate keluar dr bilik and tanya.."apahal nih?"..
" iron meletop".. huhuhuhu...
then she get her torchlight and unplug the iron form the socket. The she go to the main switch to turn on the electricity.
Me...i am still shocked..just look and the iron..Then we checked the iron and we notice that the wayar terbakar..huhuhu..

Before going to bed, i place a note at the iron saying " Iron tak leh guna, meletup mlm td" that my other housemate will not use the iron.

today : going to work with wrinkled clothes. darn.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Korang takut tak naik lif? Ada tak kadang2 korang terfikir lif yg korang naik tu akan terhempas? Or time naik lif sorang2, ada 'something' dok kt belakang? Well..I do, sometimes.

Clautophobia is a phobia for elevators. Tapi fobia aku kt lift ni tak ler melampau sgt. Kalau diberi pilihan, i rather naik escalator or stairs. Kalau more than 3 floor, and takder escalator, terpaksa lar naik lift. haish.

Td gi bank, and i ask the security guard there. "Kalau nk buat urusan _____, mcm mana yer?" tanyaku dengan gaya sopan2 anak dara.
lalu pakcik tu menjawab"Oh, itu kat tingkat 13. adik kena naik lift kat sebelah kanan tu."

haa..level 13??!!! Darn. Terus aku buat muka blur sekejap.
And i have to use the lift alone coz no one at that time wanna go up. haish..inside the lift..i start to looks around, and sometimes the lift bergoyang. eee..ngeri..ngeri. And setiap kali naik lift, i will rush in and out coz i dont wanna to get tersepit kt pintu lift.

here's a reason why i don't like using the elevators a.k.a lift:
  1. Pernah tersepit kt pintu lift, and the door tak automatik bukak balik. Sakit tau. Hampeh tol.
  2. Citer the eye, ada satu scene heroin tu naik lift sorang2, and ada hantu kt belakang dia. sampai sekarang aku seram naik lift sbb tgk citer tu.
  3. Takut kabel lift tu putus. Tgk citer resident evil 1 tak? haish..gerun aku nih.

The end.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beta to alpha, roger and out

Korang pernah ter 'replace' file tak?huhuhu..apsal lar aku leh replace file lama ni...
kena buat balik..penat nyer..tension. Can't think properly. haish... Need to recharge my creativity.

My brain is now in beta this rate, creativity will not be in optimum gear. Have to change it back to alpha state.

salah satu cara untuk menukar suis otak dari beta ke alpha adalah melakukan kerja-kerja sampingan yang boleh merelaxkan otak. Sebagai contoh, check email, baca magazine or blogging. This is an excuse for me to blogging during work time. hehehehe.Pembaca dinasihatkan agar tidak meniru perbuatan ini.Segala risiko tidak ditanggung yer.

Aside from alpha state, theta state can also boost creativity. Theta state in the brain usually occur in the morning when you just waking up or in the night before going to sleep. Hm..takkan nk tidur kat opis pulak..tu agak melampau. nanti siap mengigau..pastu berdengkur. Ni dah masuk Delta state.

OK..otak dah relax, can get back to work.

Roger and out.

Monday, August 18, 2008

what a week!

monday( 11/08) - wednesday (13/08) :
work- doing storyboard-gives me headache . AaaAAAaaa..dont wanna talk about work here.

thursday (14/08) :
ID seminar @PICC . Im bored. Can't connect my brain to the speaker speach. My ear drum can only hear bla bla bla...zzzzzz..... Then clap clap clap ( applause). owh time to eat already. continue with the bla bla bla...zzzz...clap clap clap. agaian .. Then..bla bla know the sequence already..

friday (15/08):

ID seminar @PICC- same as above. apa benda yg korang cuba sampaikan ni ha??. Below picture taken in during the seminar.hihihi. The seminar ends at 1230. On the way back to the office, i drop by @sogo and do some shoppping. yea!!.

me vs high heels


watch firework @ putrajaya: stood in awe- wah-owh. omoshiroi. arrive at putrajaya at 8.00 pm, but the fireworks only starts at 10.00 pm. 2 hour of waiting but its worth it. Cantik,menarik ,tertarik..bunga api de bom! @_@

sunday (17/08):

attend wedding @ sg besar. Although it is 2 hour drive from kl ( thanks syg coz take me there), well, the groom is one of my closest friend back in school. "Selamat pengantin Baru Nuar". Eh...bukan ke ko kata nak tggu aku kawin dulu baru ko kawin. Ceh! hehe. takper..i tak kisah pun.

Hmmm...anyway, on the way back, my sweetheart and I stop by @bukit malawati -bukit malawati is a historical hill, known as kota malawati..but only ruins remains. We explore the hills by foot and snap lots of pictures. And yeah I'm wearing high heels. tukareta. Penat tau sayang. Below picture is one of the old canon used to defend the city from intruder.

today: again. Haish

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today, something (or is it someone??) is bothering my mind. Can't focus on work.

Ah..stop.stop. dont think about this. Have to do my work.
Work..must finish storyboard..Hard subject: Quantity Surveyor...Darn.

Owh..must do something else to refresh my mind. owh..and i stumbled on this link Doodle. I love doodle. so..i doodling. for me..under the name blue elephant. Nice or not??I should try drawing a manga. (perasan lor) .

P/s: The blue elephant is mine, while the elephant holding banner is my sweetheart's doodle.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Apollo Chocolate Layer Cake

Yesterday , around 6.30 pm, my bf and I crave for some Apollo Chocolate Layer Cake.
So, we went to the nearest petrol pump coz usually it was sold there. Owh. it wasn't there. Must have Apollo Chocolate Layer Cake. So our search began.
We went to Giant. No, it wasnt sold there. Darn. And we went to another petrol pump. No, tak ada jugak. Haish...
we went to the next petrol pump...and wasn't there either. Haish.
"Nak cari jugak ke??" we ask each other. yes...we both want to eat Apollo Chocolate Layer Cake.
And out search continue. We went to another petrol pump..and another...oh ya..why we dont go to grocery stores..dont know. We just go to petrol pumps. Haish...
At around 8.30 pm..finally, we found the cake at Petronas petrol pump at Bukit Jalil..yea...and i bought a lot of Apollo Chocolate Layer Cake. HUAHUAHUHAUHAUHA...and we ate and ate till our stomach full of the cake. (and i wonder why i gain some inches. Duh..)
And today, i even brought some of the cake to my office. Nyam nyam.

Friday, August 08, 2008

I need to lose some inch. pronto.

Yup, have post about this topic before. But i do and must lose a few inch. Last night, my housemate takes out her sewing box to seam some of her clothes. And i found a measuring tape. "Wah. dah lama aku tak ukur pinggang. Pinjam sat. "

Then i take the measurement around my waist and .."WHAT!!"
" ala....pinggang aku dah _____inci." cis..cis..

My housemate just gigles and said, "ok jom kita gi sauna lepas ni yer"

I dont think sauna can do that much. I told to my buah hati about the measurement and he just laugh and said " I told you so.., you are getting a spare type"

NO....NO....this is a nightmare..AAAAAaaaaaaaAAA.....

Few of my friends also having the same problems and some of them are already married. Haish..its common to gain some weight after you are married. Even my twin sister getting chubbier after she's married. But I'm not married.

Contrary for one of my housemate who are married ( her husband in Sabah, long distance marriage), she still keeps her figure slim, even slimmer than me. does she do it..i never see her control her diet...

over the past months, i have been cutting my meals, only eat proper meal after work at 7pm. During the day, just eat roti and some fruits. But still, i am not losing the inches. I do exercise, but the fat is still there. and i even wear that made-my-back-ache corset. and no..nothing...not even an inch go away.

haish..must i do the extreme diet??But i love eating..

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Before this, I've wrote (typed) about one piece, my favourite manga. Now, i will tell you guys about my second favourite manga : CLAYMORE. I like...

Since I changed my job, i have lots and lots of free time. And I've been reading lots and lots of manga...and i just finish reading the latest chapter of claymore and still eager to read more..haish..cepatlar realease chapter baru..

OK..meh sini aku share citer pasal claymore nih...(sbb best sgt..aku nk share )

Cerita dia pasal satu dunia dimana terdapat mahluk ganas ( dipanggil yoma) yg mkn manusia ( esp organ2 manusia).. dan yoma ni biasanya menyamar sebagai manusia (mangsa yg dia dah ngap lar) so manusia lain tak dpt cam yg diorg ni yoma.

Wujud satu organisasi yg mencipta pahlawan hibrid yoma+manusia utk menghapuskan yoma2 jahat ni dgn bayaran upah yg mahal. Hibrid ni adalah seorg wanita yg mampu membezakan yoma dgn manusia dan diorg ni dipanggil claymore ( claymore ni adalah pedang yer kwn2). Setiap pahlawan claymore ni mempunyai pedang dan skill tersendiri. Oleh kerana mereka ni dicipta(melalui eksperimen sulit) dengan menggabungkan yoma pada bdn diorg(dulunyer manusia), so mereka tak leh ler over use kuasa yoma nih, kalau tak nnti diorg akan bertukar jadi yoma ( awakened being) yg sgt kuat dan ganas ( mkn org).

Cerita ni fokus pada seorg pahlawan claymore bernama claire. Claire pernah diselamatkan oleh Teressa (pahlawan claymore, ranking #1), dan apabila Teressa mati kerana dibunuh 'awakend being', Claire meminta agar organisasi memasukkan sbhgn dr bdn Teressa dlm dirinya. So, claire pom became a claymore (ranking #47, lowest rank) . and the stories continue dgn cliare ni mengembara bersama Raki (lelaki manusia yang diselamatkan oleh claire) memburu yoma dengan arahan organisasi. Claire hampir pernah jadi 'awakened being', tapi Raki selamatkan dia and sejak itu Claire jadi bertambah kuat. Then Claire jumpa pahlawan claymore lain, dan diorg dpt tahu plot rahsia organisasi yg cuba menghapuskan mana2 claymore yg hampir jadi 'awakened being'.

haish..panjang lagi lar cerita dia nih, tp yg terkini, Claire dan 6 org pahlawan claymore lain ( terselamat dr pertempuran gila kamekaze) cuba untuk menentang organisasi tu. Raki dan Claire terpisah, tapi Raki dah jadi kuat, mampu bunuh yoma.

hehehe..tak sabar nak baca sambungan cerita ni.. You guys can read the manga at , search for claymore, ok.

I Like.

Monday, August 04, 2008

I want the GOODY BAGS!

PIKOM PC FAIR was held again at KL Convention Centre on last 1-3rd august 2008. Well, aku pun pegi lar hari ahad lepas sbb my buah hati nk beli some computer thingy..

me??..of course I wanna follow coz i hope to get some goody bags from any booth there. Although i am still not feeling well coz just recover from a slight fever and a bad iritating cough, i still push myself to go there.

DARN. I didn't get any bags. I saw many many people gets lots of goody bags without buy anything ( tak nmpak pun brg yg diorg beli). But my bf bought a RAM and an antivirus and we just get a plastic bag. HUH!. oh yeah..and a pen..typical ball pen.

I really want those huge goody bags. i wanna..i wanna..

picture above cilok from

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camellia sinensis

'Camellia sinensis', 'lu cha', 'aracha' or well known as green tea or teh hijau is an evergreen shrub or a small tea tree that will make up as a tea in green. hihihi. Recently I'm learning to drink this so called full of medicinal properties tea..It is adviseble to drink without adding any sugar . Erk. Its bitter, dough..pahit jika diminum tanpa gula.
Anyway, i will try to endure its bitternes for the sake of health and BEAUTY. As times goes by, so do my youthfullness..getting old..need to keep myself strong, healty and aging-free ( i wish). ..hahaha.. Anyway, let me share some the benefits in green tea:

  • protects against cancer
  • helps prevent the development of Atherosclerosis
  • Reduces risk of breast cancer
  • provides bone benefits ( similar to calcium or exercise)
  • lower the level of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, and prevent hypertension (antideprresion)
  • promote fat loss
  • improves insulin sensitivity
  • protects against kidney diseases
  • protects liver from alcohol nad other harmful chemicals
  • keep elders mentally sharp
  • protects against cognitive decline, alzheimer's disease, and parkinson's disease
  • Thins the bloods and helps prevent clots
  • minimizes the damage to the brain after stroke
  • increases exercise endurance
  • cen halp fightt HIV
  • reduce the risk of infection and help slow the spread of HIV
  • fights cavity

woah..banyak meh.. and lots more.. prevention is much better than cure.. a cup of green tea is much more cheaper than a surgery, a bitterness in the tea is 100 times less suffering compared to the pain cause by illnes..betul, jom lar minum teh hijau.." kita minum dulu.."

However, there are some side effects of green tea ( that if you are taking tooo much of green tea) . The side effects are insomnia and bowel problems. I mean these side effects vary between people, so u don't over consume these green leaves and you will be fine.

Do not take green tea without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or could become pregnant
Do not take green tea without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Green tea contains a large amount of caffeine, which may cause restlessness, sleep disorders, and other effects in breast-feeding infants.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Cute blouse, anyone??

My sweatheart give me this link It is his friend's website.

It is an online busines selling blouses ,tops and also bags. Nice and cute..kawaii..but damn, it's EXPENSIVE. Like branded one lor.
So i said to my BF "for such blouses with that price, i prefer buy yg branded one lar".. then, i add some more "sayang belikan satu utk I..boleh? coz the blouses are so cute.." ::wink wink::

Hihihi. But i must admit, that her blouses, tops and bags are nice and cute. Exclusive, only 12 pieces per design. And the owner of the website also designs all the items herself coz she is a fashion designer. So thats means, all the clothes are design by a designer. No wonder it is expensive.

Erm...a fashion designer must know how to sew right? I wonder if she is willing to sew my baju kurung for raya..;) keh keh keh

Speaking of sewing, recently i sew my own pillow case. Ehem, hand sew..jahit tangan...Wah! and I'm so proud of the outcome. Nice lor..Who said i cannot sew haa...( although my mom forbid me from using her sewing machine coz i ended up breaking it)..hahahaha..

Here's another link . Exclusive for preparing goodies etc for ceremony..ala..kira mcm goodies time kenduri kawin tu, time birthday pun ok gak..yang ni..akak opismate punyer bussiness. Side income katanya..Not so bad lar..

Soon, i will post about my sweet hearts's website. tunggu...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Let's learn nihongo

Watashi wa zamzillah desu. Aishiteru safwan kun desu.
Nihogo o hanasemasen.Tasukete kudasai.

hihihi.. Saya ingin belajar bahasa jepun. Mari kita belajar bersama-sama.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today I'm really pissed off!!.

hangin aku nih!

aku dok kat opis..dh macam dok dalam almari ais. Sejuk melampau. Technician aircond ni org kutub utara ke. pakai jaket ngan stoking pun still menggigil lagi ni. lepas ni aku nk cr glove. oleh kerana jari2 tangan dan kaki aku kekejangan sbb sejuk, maka sukar untukku mebuat kerja ( padahal mmg mkn gaji buta hari-hari) Dan aku sangat sakit hati dgn technician aircond.

Then, tgh hari, aku tgk ada 2 misscall kat henpon aku. ( time aku kuar bwk henpon, takder saper call. Time aku tak bwk henpon, ramai pulak yg call. Haish) Owh, si 'toot' rupa nya. Aku call back, and dia terus tanya aku direction nk gi tempat A. And he's driving. Eh, dia takder keta, dia bwk keta aku ke ni. Apsal tak mintak izin aku.

Setelah aku meletakkan telefon, aku bertanya pada 'buah hati' aku: "si 'toot' tu kuar bwk keta I ke?" maka 'buah hati' aku menjawab:"Eh, dia tak bgtau u ke?"and i Like WTF!!

Hey, i bg U guna keta I, bukan untuk U bagi kat 'toot' guna keta i sesuka hati dia. Tu keta I, bukan keta u and of course bukan keta si 'toot'. I dah suruh u pulangkan since last week, but now 'toot' tu buat keta i mcm keta dia pulak.

( dialog diatas telah diedit agar ia sesuai dibaca oleh semua peringkat umur)

I really2 pissed off. and now, i am trying to cool off...ive read from another blogger that this is a 'special request' by HIM to uji my iman . bukan kah sabar itu separuh dari iman..

Sabar zila...sabar...sabar...

p/s: sorry sue abideen, i use your this pic in my blog, hope u dont mind.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I hate driving
although i have a car, i rarely drive it. coz i hate driving. tak suka. tak suka. ( iklan cat)
everytime I'm driving, I'll feel scared and panicked..its like watching a horror movie..scared and suspense all the time while driving.I really hate driving.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I think..I'm getting fat...

Although..some people said I'm still petite..(??) , but i do think I've gain some weight.
Is it bcoz i am sooo not bz coz dont have much work in the office..just sitting in my workplace,stare the monitor and doing nothing...coz, i don't think i ate that much to add some weight.

But damn! I do feel i'm gaining more pounds.I didn't measure my weight yet( scared to look ta the scale). But will do it later.

And yes, I am too lazy to do exercise although i keep execusing myself by walking to/from bus or train station to/from the office. (walking is also considered as an exercise, right?).

But I do not want to be too skinny like some supermodels..

Gosh... look at the bones...

all and all.....just 1 or 2 part of my body needs to be scaled down..hehehe..

Friday, March 21, 2008

living with parents

what do you think? at the age of 26...still lives with parents; "bawah ketiak mak"..

here's a dilema.. I'm thinking of looking for a new place to stay coz currently am staying in shah in KL. quite far and cost me a lot.

So, my housemate and i decided to look for a room..instead. While my housemate have found herself a room to stay..I'm still looking for one. My parents especially my mom insisted me to stay with them. " senang hati mak kalau ko dok depan mata mak" i am a 10 years old girl. Its true..if i stay with them..its easier for me to go to work and it save me my RM...hehehe..

but..i just dont want to live with my parents..too terkongkong..they seems to be an orthodox people..

aiyaa...and dont know why..its too hard to get a room to rent...maybe sbb my mom tak bagi dok sendiri..sbb tu susah nk cari bilik..tak berkat..

huhuhuhu... what to do..and i still have to find a room a.s.a.p..

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"orang yang suka kucing, biasanya penyayang..."

erm..aku suka kucing..maknanya aku ni penyayang???( monolog dengan diri sendiri)

yes...i am a cat lover..loves animal but hate bugs and insects..kalau jumpa lipas aku spray jer ngan ridsect..huh.mampos ko!(kataku dengan geram + geli) ..tu kategori penyayang ke..'s not that orang yg sukakan kucing ni,orang yang penyayang...TAPI, orang yang penyayang biasanya sukakan kucing...rite? and people yang tak sukakan kucing...tak semestinya diorang ni tak penyayang...

I have been browsing this forum everyday

and I learn a lot about cat and their lovers...loves to see all the cats' picture cute and adorable..

eventhough i am mad, and pissed off, sad and devastated but when i see cats..all those negative feeling just shifted away..

And i really need to hug a cat rite now..sbb sekarang ni..time tgh menaip ni..rasa susah hati sgt2...feel like something is not the same... is it me or he really has change?? but still I love him much!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

wah wah wah....rajin betul aku memblog kebelakangan ni..
maklumlah...lots of free time and things to be said...

oleh kerana aku ada byk masa terluang, i have been browsing my friendster a lot lately, and i found out, many of my friends are already married, engaged and will be married this year..

pak pak ..kepong kepong (bunyi kompang)...hehehe..

there were once, people including myself thought that i will be married in a young age..but didnt happen..past is past...what had happen can't be undone or ctrl + z... am thankfull...alhamdullilah it didn't work between me and him, coz he is a jerk ( took a while for me to realize about it).

Now, I am happy with myself, am happy with someone that love and care for me, am happy with my life.

Friday, February 22, 2008

-News Flash-

Sari berita penting :

-I have started working in a new company. I have ditch my old company. Hate it.

- I will also drive my own car. Bukan mak bapak yang belikan paying with my own money. Not a kelisa, but still a small cute car...Can u guess?

Sekian, Terima Kasih.

p/s: asyik dok tukar keja jer..aiyoo...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


anime maniac mode. looking for new anime every weekend.. if anyone knew any good and hilarious anime, let me know. let me know.
my favorite: ONE PIECE. Gosh....crazy about them. read their latest manga every weekend. manga of course. Kalau cari komik one piece kat Malaysia ni..mmg tahun 2010 pun tak dapat lar baca yg latest punyer..huhuhuhu...

LOVE the characters..the plot...the value...the nakama...about loyalty, and friendship...
no jiwang2...full of adventure...the journey itself is full of surprise...and what makes me fall in love with this particular manga/anime is..the humor...gosh....its sooooo funny.
have watched naruto and bleach..but still one piece is the best. but this doesn't meant that i dont watch other anime. I wanna watch all the anime that hit the stores...

and luckily...i can share the passion of manga/anime with someone i love...hihihihi....
Love u lah....

~cried when going merry say its last goodbye~