Friday, October 10, 2008


Other than blogspot, my syg has created me one new blog for me using wordpress. The layouts and everything is nice, but I don't reaaly think wordpress is really user friendly.

Dah byk2 kali my syg tanya " bila nk guna wordpress?"..haish..Aku dh susah lar...menci..Cian syg kan..susah2 jer create layout wordpress cantek2..tapi aku tak guna pom.

Sekarang ni dlm proses mengenali wordpress..And maybe after this I will post my blog here using blogspot and also wordpress.

So, this is my blog using wordpress : . Warning: This site is still under construction. So, the navigations are still in chaos mode. Hihihi..

1 comment:

nad said...

kite pn ade using wordpress. tp da set private

byk gler blog kter...

tp mls nk maintain
blogspot je kte mantain