Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I konpius

Walaupun aku dah tukar ke wordpress, tp tgn aku ni gatal nk usik blog yg ni. So..I pom browse2 and jumpa lar background baru untuk akaun blogspot I ni kan.

Try lar tukar layout semua. But why..why..why jadi kaler putih jer..di mana background yg cantik itew.

I've done the changes accordingly to the instruction given. But why still tak jadi. Hampeh tol. Konpius lar aku nih.
I want my new background. Haish!!


red said...

haiyaaa, dh tak pinkish dan xder lips tu dah... Muehehehe

lagu yg best dulu pon dah xde??? Muehehehe

z!L@ said...

to red: hiks...sajer tukar selera..

anyway, aku dah jarang guna blogspot..sekarang aku guna wordpress lew..mueheehehehe

Anonymous said...
